But the week before i had complete gather my references for my characters from watching the movie, by print screen a lot to gather as much reference of the characters face in different angles, as well as the clothes and body shape.
From looking at these reference i am able to look at the characters from all different angles, to get an accurate face sculpt as well as the style of cloths and poses.
Following the research I have attempted to start sculpting the characters's faces, bu because I lack the understanding of the planes, my sculpt was inaccurate and lack realism. So to further up my understanding I have looked at video on traditional sculpting, and look at head planes references.
Phillip Faraut sculpter
Head plane reference
In doing so I did my own sculpt to help boosting my confidence in placing land marks and forms of the face.
Following the research I have attempted to start sculpting the characters's faces, bu because I lack the understanding of the planes, my sculpt was inaccurate and lack realism. So to further up my understanding I have looked at video on traditional sculpting, and look at head planes references.
Phillip Faraut sculpter
Head plane reference
In doing so I did my own sculpt to help boosting my confidence in placing land marks and forms of the face.
Te next step would be for me is to find a few images of the characters and break down the planes to construct their faces.
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